is coming to your device August 23-30!!
The goal of Planet Music Camp is to keep our community connected until we can meet in person again. The theme for Planet Music Camp will develop organically – it will be fun to see what happens!
Just to give you lots of warning, there will be NO virtual tuck time at Planet Music Camp. Astronaut food and Tang are available on Amazon, but the shipping charges would be a problem.
DON’T DESPAIR – there are lots of other ideas on the virtual table. Right now, we are developing the most promising ideas, and on June 20 we will determine the activities to implement.
Starting in early July, we’ll be sending you information like:
We are bravely going where no Planet Music Camp Committee has gone before, and we are concerned about taking on too much, so there may not be the variety you are used to. We hope you will find something that excites you among the activities we’ll offer.
You may also get phone calls or emails from workshop leaders with specific questions for you.
We’re excited about this adventure – we hope you’ll join us for the journey.
Your Planet Music Camp Planning Committee