
Table of Contents

Introduction to Presbyterian Music Camp (PMC)

PMC is a family camp hosted every year in late August. The week is spent growing in faith, as musicians, and as a community. The camp’s connection to the Presbyterian church is the foundation for the welcoming, inclusive community that has evolved over five decades to include campers of many denominations and open-minded people without a faith connection; campers of every age and family affiliation; and campers who love music, from beginner to professional. One of the wonderful things about PMC is that most activities are intergenerational, with the exception of some special workshops and events geared toward children and teens. This diversity in age and experience enriches the community and forges inspiring connections.

General Schedule

PMC is organised around a different meaningful theme each year. The week begins with old friends and new greeting one another. "Getting to know you" activities are followed by a meditative opening ceremony that introduces the camp’s theme. The theme is explored through brief daily worship services (morning and evening devotions) and through workshop activities that include vocal and instrumental music as well as crafts, drama, and physical activity. There are five daily workshop periods offering a broad variety of learning opportunities, and the workshop leaders are all fellow campers! The daily schedule also includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and an afternoon "Tuck Shop". After dinner each day a unique evening program is held to build community and to just have fun together! Campers can choose to be as busy as they want or as relaxed as they need in a beautiful, natural setting.


Workshops, meal-time music, variety night, camp concert, and impromptu gatherings provide many supportive performance opportunities for all musical levels. The only prerequisite is a love of music; no experience necessary.


There are dedicated accommodations for teens (ages 13 to 18), young adults (ages 19 to 30s), and for other singles who are happy bunking together. There are also rooms and cabins for families, couples and singles, and trailer space for those who prefer to bring their own accommodation.


PMC is completely volunteer run and is a registered charity.

Board of Directors

The organising Board of Directors is made up of campers who meet throughout the year to plan the next year’s camp. It handles contracts, finances, registration, advertising, dean selection, programming and staffing.

Board Commitment


The leaders for the camp week (the Deans) are experienced PMC campers chosen by the Board. The Deans (with Board support) choose and develop the year’s theme and plan devotions.

Workshop Leaders

Workshop leaders select music pieces and activities for teaching and performance.

Workshop Leader Commitment

A workshop leader’s commitment is to lead a workshop during PMC. Workshops are usually 1 hour, but occasionally are longer or shorter – please check with your PMC contact to confirm the length of the workshop.

In addition to the commitment at camp, there are some pre- and post- activities.

Other Roles at Camp

Many other volunteers are asked to help with worship, tuck shop, teen mentorship, sound and lighting, etc. There is a camp first-aider who is present to assist as needed for scrapes, bruises, and other minor medical concerns. Every camper has a role in the camp experience; campers sign up for leading grace at meal times, and everyone helps to keep the site litter-free.

Some specific commitments are:

Worship Leader Commitment

A worship leader might be a family or some friends, or even an individual, who takes responsibility for one worship service at camp.


In 1972 a small group of Presbyterian ministers, church musicians and their families got together for a week in the summer to become familiar with the newly revised Presbyterian hymn book, The Book of Praise. That was the first Presbyterian Music Camp, and it was held at a United Church camp on Golden Lake in the Ottawa Valley.  It was so popular that it was held again the following year – and every year since. By 1996, the camp had outgrown the Golden Lake site and moved to Camp Tamarack near Bracebridge. After two years of running camp on-line due to Covid, PMC celebrated its 50th anniversary at Camp Tamarack in 2022. In 2023, PMC will move to its first Presbyterian home at Camp Kintail, on the shores of Lake Huron.

Camp Kintail

Camp Kintail is a year-round residential summer camp and retreat centre affiliated with The Presbyterian Church in Canada. It is located on the eastern shore of Lake Huron, between Goderich and Kincardine. The 24 acre site features lovely cedar forests, a ravine with hiking trails and a beautiful, sandy beach with a safe swimming area – and boasts world-class Lake Huron sunsets! Outdoor facilities include a stunning hillside chapel, several fire pits, a labyrinth, a wide variety of water and land sport facilities, engaging recreational activities (like a 100-foot slide!) and many pleasant spaces to relax with new friends. Buildings on site include a large, welcoming indoor/outdoor dining hall, several large and small gathering/performance/activity spaces and a wide variety of clean, up-to-date washroom and shower facilities. Living accommodations include bright, clean cabins and yurts with changing spaces and porches, as well as lodge rooms with, or close to, washrooms. Laundry facilities are available if needed. Trailer/RV space is also available with electrical hookup close by. At Camp Kintail, buildings, cabins, and activities are wheelchair accessible. 

Camp Kintail has its own professional kitchen staff that provides all meals and snacks, including accommodations for particular dietary needs and allergies. Other refrigeration and food storage spaces are also available if needed. Camp Kintail also provides cleaning staff for the bathrooms and showers, and lifeguards to keep waterfront activities supervised and safe.

There is a hospital with 24/7 emergency services located in Goderich, 19 minutes away.

You can learn more about Camp Kintail on their website.


Here are a few foundational documents that help convey what kind of community PMC is.

Welcome Statement

Code of Conduct

Anti-Harassment Policy

Black Lives Matter Statement

Past Years

Certain aspects of camp, especially the selection of workshops and evening programs, are planned throughout the year. To help flesh out the picture of what PMC is, you can find information on previous PMC years here.

2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018