(front page)

Presbyterian Church in Canada 150th Anniversary

Click here to find out more about what's coming in 2025...

A community that gathers once a year...

Presbyterian Music Camp (PMC) is a family camp that gathers in late August in Ontario on the shores of Lake Huron, at Camp Kintail.

Campers find joy in a diversity of ways, but the common thread is the sense of support from the community.

All programming at PMC is run by volunteers within the community, giving rise to a unique dynamic of mentorship.

Are you looking to develop as a musician?


PMC has something for every interest and skill level. Workshops change from year to year, and can include ukulele, choir, handbells, concert band, jazz band, and drum circle.

Niche musical groups come together and perform at meals, evening programs, or find their own unique venue. PMC has seen barbershop quartets, brass and woodwind quintets, and performances that defy classification.

Are you looking to deepen your faith?


Our community supports open conversation about faith and religion and how they fit into our routines.

Each year a unique theme is developed. Morning and evening worships dive into aspects of the theme and offer ideas to use in your everyday life.

Are you looking to spend time with your family?


As a family camp, PMC's campers come in all ages. Programming, for the most part, invites all ages simultaneously. The result is a uniquely intergenerational environment.

At Presbyterian Music Camp, music is central to our celebration and praise of God. We welcome all families and individuals who come together to experience inclusive Christian community in a natural outdoor setting.


Read our official welcome statement here!

Read our code of conduct here!

Read our anti-harassment policy here!

Read our Black Lives Matter statement here!


There's more to PMC than can fit here!

You can read a bit more about us, or engage with us directly on Facebook or Instagram, or by contacting us. Hope to see you!

For established campers, our online calendar may be of use!